Create a window in your home unto the Divine with this essential invocation: In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. The classic kufic script invokes memories of our great civilization and history creating a sense of connectedness and unity. Designed with a modern and clean finish, this piece will bring every action to life through the blessing of pure intention.
Material: Adhesive decal (for flat surfaces only)
High quality decal
This was a gift for a friend as part of their house-warming. They loved the clean, modern design and I look forward to seeing it on one of their feature walls. Keep up the great work Irada! Jazakum Allahu Khayran
It looks elegant.
So Modern , easy to install and looks perfect
I Just installed this one on a white wall, it's of a very high quality and the installation was so easy. Also , it took only 2 days for the order to be shipped and Received in Australia. Thanks you so much for this great product.
quality made and easy to install
After receiving one of these (small size) as a guest party favor at my cousin's wedding, I immediately applied it on the wall above my son's door. Now that baby #2 arrived we had to get more. This is a quality product, and shipping is in a sturdy container so it comes nice and flat when you receive it. Easy to apply, and hasn't peeled off the wall despite some pretty humid days this summer. I made sure to get the 7 pack, because I will always find a place for them. And frankly, on small orders the flat shipping can be a bit high, so I wanted to get my money's worth if I was dropping a lot of shipping. Worth it though.
Fast and reliable
Beautiful artwork.
Love Kufic
I love the Kufic script and this is no exception. It looks great above our door.
It is amazing
It was a perfect fit in the place, but your items are a bit expensive :(
This is a beautiful piece of work. In black, it suits pretty much any decor. Masha Allah, fantastic. Great as gifts and I have endorsed your service and quality of work to many. Our pieces of work have been admired by everyone who visits-even non Muslims.
Great quality
It was a beautiful way to adorn a doorway in our home.